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The Skyscraper Museum, Founder & Director | New York City, United States
Carol Willis is the founder, director, and curator of The Skyscraper Museum. An architectural and urban historian, she has researched, taught, and written about the history of American city building. She is the author of Form Follows Finance: Skyscrapers and Skylines in New York and Chicago (Princeton Architectural Press, 1995: 2008), which received an AIA book award and was named ""Best Book on North American Urbanism, 1995"" by the Urban History Association. Critic Herbert Muschamp has praised Ms. Willis in The New York Times as ""the brilliant and energetic woman who created the Skyscraper Museum in 1996 from nothing but her imagination, her passion for New York architecture, and her belief in the importance of history and the value of the public realm.""
Ms. Willis is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Urban Studies at Columbia University where since 1989 she has taught in the program The…
Lynn S. Beedle Lifetime Achievement Award (2023)
Annual Conference, Presenter (Chicago 2009; New York 2015; China 2016; Chicago 2019)
Awards Jury (2005; 2008)
Annual Conference, Keynote Speaker (Shanghai 2014)
Annual Conference, Session Chair (2016)
CTBUH 2019 Global Walking Tour: 50 Forward | 50 Back
27 June 2019
18 August 2017
Skyscraper Summit Warms Sydney Up for CTBUH 2017
18 August 2017
20 December 2016
CTBUH 2016 China Conference - Plenary 7: Technical & Social Issues Q&A
Thursday October 20, 2016. Hong Kong, China. Vijay Jayachandran of Otis Elevator Company; Carol Willis of The Skyscraper Museum in New York City; Ada Y.S....
You must be a CTBUH Member to view this resource.
16 October 2023
Liam Wee Sin, Patrick Bellew, Sir Peter Cook, Carol Willis
In this special extended edition of Talking Tall, CTBUH Editor Daniel Safarik talks to four people with significant relevance to the conference theme, “Humanizing High...
You must be a CTBUH Member to view this resource.
28 October 2019
World’s Biggest (Tall) Buildings
Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum
In both professional circles and in the public eye, the subject of the World’s Tallest Building (WTB) has held the spotlight for more than a...
You must be a CTBUH Member to view this resource.
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27 June 2019
CTBUH 2019 Global Walking Tour: 50 Forward | 50 Back
The CTBUH Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee organized its sixth annual Global Walking Tours, which took place in 25 cities around the world.
1 September 2015
How are Cities Responding to Urbanism?
CTBUH Australia held its first national symposium in Brisbane entitled “How are Cities Responding to Urbanism?” where both local and international speakers presented, including Board member Ahmed Abdelrazaq.
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20 December 2016
CTBUH 2016 China Conference - Plenary 7: Technical & Social Issues Q&A
Thursday October 20, 2016. Hong Kong, China. Vijay Jayachandran of Otis Elevator Company; Carol Willis of The Skyscraper Museum in New York City; Ada Y.S....
20 October 2016
Singularly Slender: Sky Living in New York, Hong Kong, and Elsewhere
Thursday October 20, 2016. Hong Kong, China. Carol Willis of The Skyscraper Museum in New York City presents at the 2016 China Conference Plenary 7:...
18 October 2016
CTBUH 2016 China Conference Plenary 3: Cities to Megacities: The Future Q & A
October 18, 2016. Shenzhen, China.Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Musuem; Chao (Ivan) Wan, Tencent Holdings Limited; Jonathan Ward, NBBJ; Stefano Boeri, Stefano Boeri Architetti; Winy Maas,...
27 October 2015
Carol Willis of Skyscraper Museum is interviewed by Chris Bentley during the 2015 CTBUH New York Conference at the Grand Hyatt New York. Carol discusses...
26 October 2015
2015 New York Conference - Session 3e - Q&A
Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum; Silvian Marcus, WSP Group; and Stephen DeSimone, DeSimone Consulting Engineers, PLLC, answer questions at the end of 2015 New York...
26 October 2015
This presentation recaps the “what and why” of the super-slender type and gives an abbreviated illustration of the mechanics of the “logic of luxury." The...
01 September 2015
CTBUH Australia Symposium 2015 – Carol Willis Part 1
Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum, presents at the CTBUH Australia Symposium on "How Cities are Responding to Urbanism?"
01 September 2015
CTBUH Australia Symposium 2015 – Carol Willis Part 2
Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum, presents at the CTBUH Australia Symposium on "How Cities are Responding to Urbanism?"
16 October 2023
Liam Wee Sin, Patrick Bellew, Sir Peter Cook, Carol Willis
In this special extended edition of Talking Tall, CTBUH Editor Daniel Safarik talks to four people with significant relevance to the conference theme, “Humanizing High...
28 October 2019
World’s Biggest (Tall) Buildings
Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum
In both professional circles and in the public eye, the subject of the World’s Tallest Building (WTB) has held the spotlight for more than a...
17 October 2016
Cities to Megacities: Perspectives
CTBUH 2016 Conference Speakers
The CTBUH 2016 International Conference is being held in the three cities of the Pearl River Delta, the world’s largest “megacity,” projected to have 120...
17 October 2016
Singularly Slender: Sky Living in New York, Hong Kong, and Elsewhere
Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum
This paper highlights a new 21st-century skyscraper typology – the very tall and slender residential tower – and analyzes the economic, engineering, and urbanistic forces...
26 October 2015
Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum
This paper recaps the “what and why” of the super-slender type and gives an abbreviated illustration of the mechanics of the “logic of luxury.” The...
16 September 2014
The Logic of Luxury: New York’s New Super-Slender Towers
Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum
The recent exhibition “SKY HIGH & the Logic of Luxury” at The Skyscraper Museum examined a dozen super-slim, ultra-luxury residential towers on the rise in...
14 September 2014
Towards Sustainable Vertical Urbanism
Daniel Safarik, CTBUH
The survival of humanity on this planet relies on a radical repositioning of our cities. In the face of unprecedented global population growth, urbanization, pollution...
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