Richard Marshall

Expert Peer Review Committee Member

NEOM, Head of Engineering, THE LINE | Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Having graduated in 1992 from Canterbury University in Christchurch, New Zealand, Richard worked in New Zealand and South East Asia before joining BuroHappold’s Kuala Lumpur office in 1997.

As an expert in structural engineering, Richard has worked in various BuroHappold office locations around the globe. In 2001, Richard moved to Riyadh and subsequently to the Dubai office in 2004, he is currently based in our Hong Kong office where he leads our Asia business.

Richard leads the practices Tall Buildings Expert Community and has a special interest and expertise in both tall building design and seismic engineering.

He has worked on a multitude of tall building projects of up to 720m/150 storeys in height around the world. In addition, he has worked on projects such as the ExCel Exhibition Centre, London; the New International Terminal at Heyder Aliyev International Airport, Baku; the Singapore…

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Richard Marshall


Expert Peer Review Committee, Member (2018 – Present)

Awards Best Tall Building Middle East & Africa Jury (2023)

Innovation Conference, Speaker (Shenzhen 2019)