Gensler, architect | New York City, United States
"Aysu Unal is a Digital Design Specialist at Gensler's NYC office focuses on exploring and implementing technological innovations to the architectural design challenges. Following her graduate studies at UCLA where she had a chance to collaborate with Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, her works have been featured in Popular Science, BBC, WSJ, CNN, Forbes, CBS, CNBC, Archinect to name a few.
Before joining Gensler, Aysu worked at Cannon Design as a designer on Healthcare and Education projects while exploring the different ways of implementing VR tools into the design progress. She had the privilege to present her findings on ""How does VR improve Healthcare Design?"" at Autodesk University in 2018. Also, she had run as a President at the Society of Turkish American Architects, Engineers and Scientists where she has organized various events including a scientific conference at Columbia…
New York City Chapter, Secretary (2021 – Present)
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