The Structural Engineering/LCCA Break-out Group was led by Antony Wood, President, CTBUH.
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Steel-Timber Hybrid vs. other structural systems, or different structural Steel-Timber Hybrid systems and configurations against each other?
Model a real building with actual bill of quants; materials used; transportation distances etc - then vary scenarios based on that?
Should it be generic from the start?
Model only the structure or the whole building (system choice potentially impacts everything, e.g., dividing walls)
Which code to design to?
Differing approaches regionally towards fire protection
Differing energy sources for material production
9 stories (IV-C; no gypsum)
18 stories (IV-A; gypsum required)
Or look to the future, and model 20 / 40 / 60 stories?
Office = column & beam / Residential = shear wall
Differing floor-to-floor heights (e.g., office vs. residential)
Impacts live loads (e.g., office vs. residential)
Columns and beams
Floor systems
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