The MEP Systems & Envelope/Façade break-out meeting was led by Susan Jones, Principal Architect,
Founder, atelierjones.
Questions considered included:
What are the best practices for routing services through steel-timber hybrid high-rise buildings?
Where does steel provide an advantage to other materials – when used in hybrid configurations with timber -- with respect to conditioning spaces, reducing depth of beams so as to accommodate services, providing an option for using steel beams rather than timber in key locations to reduce the need to penetrate timber beams with pipes or ducts, etc.?
What are the key issues around fire safety and suppression in steel-timber hybrid buildings that would be unique to the typology?
What are the predominant issues that arise with respect to thermal transfer or bridging when there are steel elements in a hybrid timber façade, or when said façade is being affixed to a steel structure?
What are the predominant issues that arise with respect detailing envelopes, rainscreens, etc., when there are steel elements in a hybrid timber façade, or when said façade is being affixed to a steel structure?