Research Project

Roadmap on Steel-Concrete Composite Construction Elements

Project Start: June 2021
Project Completion: November 2022
Principal Investigators: Dario Trabucco, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat | Antony Wood, CTBUH Former Staff

Composite structural systems are those in which two or more materials act together, offering a unique solution to resolve the forces acting on the building. Steel/concrete composite construction solutions have been in use for decades, leveraging different properties of the two materials to achieve better performance than what could be achieved by using each of them individually. The steel/concrete composite solutions, despite their superior structural efficiency, are still considered a “niche” product in some regional markets, mainly due to a lack of established best-practice information or expertise, low developer awareness of the benefits, and several other issues related to market positioning.

Through an academic and industry survey of the state of the art of steel/concrete composite structural systems, this research project will produce an analysis of steel/concrete composite applications in the construction market. 

A deep scientific literature review and analysis of international codes and standards will be integrated and supported by the engagement of three expert panels, composed of members of the AEC industry operating internationally. These panels will comprise experts of CTBUH member companies, as well as those appointed by constructsteel members.

The combined result of these activities will be a Roadmap of the research needs of composite construction, and a categorization of available composite construction systems, which will serve as a guide for experts seeking to fill knowledge gaps around steel/concrete composite structural solutions.


Call for CTBUH Expert Panelists

Please join this research project by participating in one of the three panels described below. Panel discussions will take place during summer 2021. 

Developers & Cost Consultants Expert Panel

Through case studies, this panel will identify and analyze structures using composite steel/concrete systems in order to gain insight into the costs, efficiencies, scheduling, and other factors that determine whether to pursue composite structural solutions. 

Join the Panel

Or contact our Research team at [email protected] to get involved.

Structural Engineers Expert Panel

The purpose of this panel is to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between design aspects of steel/concrete composite systems, in the context of maximizing investment returns and minimizing project costs. Discussion items will include the application of standard codes and software to steel/concrete composite systems, as well as other practical considerations.

Join the Panel

Or contact our Research team at [email protected] to get involved.

Construction Companies Expert Panel

This panel will investigate case studies from the perspective of construction practitioners, with panelists discussing the advantages and challenges of working with steel/concrete composite structural solutions during the planning and construction phases. 

Join the Panel

Or contact our Research team at [email protected] to get involved.


Funding Partner

Steering Committee Members

Shiladitya Chanda
Flavio D’Alambert
Arijit Guha
Deputy General Manager, Civil & Structural, Institute for Steel Development & Growth
Denis Konin
Chief Manager "Laboratory of High-rise Buildings & Structures, OJSC RCC
Maurício Martins
Civil Construction Marketing Specialist, Gerdau Cosigua
Pritish Sen
Advisor cum Interim In-charge, Institute for Steel Development & Growth

Project Milestones

About the Funding Partner

constructsteel is the steel construction market development programme of the World Steel Association. Our mission is to position the use of steel as a material of choice in a sustainable way and by communicating its benefits to construction stakeholders. constructsteel is a global marketing and research-focused programme whose role is to position and target specific markets & topics requested by members for members. At the same time, constructsteel has a regional dimension i.e. to assist in transforming global efforts into opportunities at the regional level.



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