William Baker

Student Competition Second-Round Jury

SOM, Consulting Structural Engineering Partner | Chicago, United States


William Baker’s dedication to innovative structural engineering design and research is evident in the diversity of his projects. He developed the Bruj Khalifa’s “buttressed core” structural system for the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest human-made structure, as well as the Broadgate Exchange House, a 10-story office building with an iconic structure that spans a 78-meter-long rail yard in London. Baker has advanced a range of engineering collaborations with architects and artists from around the world at all scales, including James Turrell’s permanent Skypsace installation at Rice University and Millennium Park’s Pritzker Pavilion in Chicago.

William Baker

CTBUH Designated Expert


Student Competition Second-Round Jury (– Present)

Annual Conference, Presenter (Hong Kong 1990; Amsterdam 1995; Melbourne 2001; Stuttgart 2003; Seoul 2004; New York 2005; Chicago 2006; Dubai 2008; Shanghai 2012; London 2013; Middle East 2018; Chicago 2019)

Height and Data Committee, Former Member (2013)


22 October 2018

The Future of Tall Building Technology

Since their earliest form, tall buildings have stood as technological marvels, reflecting the latest advancements in materials, methodologies, and tools. These two technologies continue to...


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11 October 2019

CTBUH 2019 Congress Special

On the 50th anniversary of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s founding, the CTBUH 10th World Congress returns to the Council’s home: Chicago....


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20 October 2018

Polycentric Cities: The Future of Vertical Urbanism

CTBUH 2018 Conference Speakers

As we approach the new normality of cities housing 10 million or more inhabitants, those best positioned for the future are evolving along polycentric, multi-nodal...


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13 July 2019

Sustainable Development of Construction Engineering Conference

Join CTBUH for a conference exploring major academic theories and engineering practice issues on super high-rise construction technology.

15 January 2016

Spring 2016 Dean's Lecture Series: William Baker

William Baker, Partner at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill in Chicago, will lecture for the Myron Goldsmith Lecture as part of the College of Architecture Spring 2016 Dean's Lecture Series.

7 June 2015

5th International Congress on Construction History

The Construction History Society of America will be hosting the 5th International Congress on Construction History at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago.

16 July 2014

Innovators: The Engineering and Design of Tall Buildings

Join the visionaries behind some of the tallest buildings in the world for a roundtable discussion on their work. Special discount is available for CTBUH members.

28 February 2014

Trustees Meeting Reflects CTBUH’s Momentum

The CTBUH Board of Trustees met February 28, setting the course for a number of strategic Council initiatives, including the Strategic Five-Year Plan.

19 February 2014

CTBUH Helps CAF Answer "What Do You Mean by TALL?" with LEGOs

The CTBUH helped the CAF launch its “Drinks + Design” adult-education evening program for 2014, by supervising and judging the designs of about a dozen teams of LEGO skyscrapers

22 October 2018

The Future of Tall Building Technology

Since their earliest form, tall buildings have stood as technological marvels, reflecting the latest advancements in materials, methodologies, and tools. These two technologies continue to...

06 November 2014

Interview: Cayan Tower

Thursday 6th November 2014. Chicago, IL. William Baker & George Efstathiou, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, are interviewed by Chris Bentley regarding the Best Tall Building...

06 November 2014

2014 Awards - Session 3 Q&A

Thursday, 6th November 2014 Chicago, USA. Leslie Shepherd, Chief Architect, General Services Administration, James Cutler, Founding Partner, Cutler Anderson Architects, Michael Goldrick, Project Management Director,...

15 March 2013

What is the Single Biggest Challenge in Constructing a Mile-high Tower?

Industry leaders answering this question include: William Baker, SOM; Craig Gibbons, Arup; Andy Davids, Hyder Consulting; Mehdi Jalayerian, Environmental Systems Design, Inc.; and Ahmad Abdelrazaq,...

19 September 2012

Considering Place in an Integrated Approach to Tall

The rapid development of Chinese cities has provided unique opportunities to create architecture that either responds to its context or, in the case of emerging...

19 September 2012

Track 1: The China Context for Tall Q & A

The Track 1 panel consisting of: Junjie Zhang, East China Architectural Design & Research Institute (ECADI); Brian Lee & William Baker, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill...

18 September 2012

Interview: Jin Mao Tower

William Baker of SOM is interviewed by Jeff Herzer during the 2012 CTBUH Shanghai Congress at the Jin Mao, Shanghai. William discusses the Jin Mao...

10 October 2011

Hypertowers: Integrated Design Concepts for the 21st Century Skyscraper

William F. Baker speaks on hypertowers at the 2011 Seoul Conference and design concepts for the 21st century.

11 October 2019

CTBUH 2019 Congress Special

On the 50th anniversary of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s founding, the CTBUH 10th World Congress returns to the Council’s home: Chicago....

20 October 2018

Polycentric Cities: The Future of Vertical Urbanism

CTBUH 2018 Conference Speakers

As we approach the new normality of cities housing 10 million or more inhabitants, those best positioned for the future are evolving along polycentric, multi-nodal...

17 October 2016

Next-Generation Supertall Tower Form Determinants: A Study of the Tianjin CTF Finance Centre

Brian Lee, William Baker, Inho Rhee & Ronald Johnson, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP

This paper puts forth the elements of an integrated design approach to mixed-use supertall towers that is based on rationally creative strategies that encourage efficiency,...

01 June 2014

Case Study: Pearl River Tower, Guangzhou

Richard Tomlinson II, William Baker, Luke Leung, et al. Skidmore Owings & Merrill

SOM’s design for the 71-story Pearl River Tower in Guangzhou, China, was selected in a 2005 competition. The 309-meter-tall high-performance building was designed with energy...

11 June 2013

The Special Nature of the European Skyscraper

Viewpoints: The London Conference

European architecture is at a crossroads. Its commercial and environmental realities are driving buildings ever-higher, but not all are convinced. In this article – contributed...

23 September 2012

Case Study: Greenland's Suzhou Center, Wujiang

Ross Wimer, William Baker, Mark Nagis & Aaron Mazeika, SOM

At 358 meters, Greenland Group Suzhou Center marks the Wujiang waterfront with an aerodynamic form that has a unique presence, while accommodating its program with...

21 September 2012

Considering Place in an Integrated Approach to Tall Building Design

Brian Lee, William Baker & Luke Leung, SOM

The rapid development of modern Chinese cities has provided designers and developers with unique opportunities to create architecture that either responds to its existing context...

02 October 2011

Wider Impacts: Tall Buildings as a Viable Proposition

Leslie E. Robertson, LERA; William Baker, SOM; Eugene Kohn, KPF

Three leading designers in the tall building industry share their take on the changes to the tall building industry and the impact of 9/11 on...