Swinal R Samant

College of Fellows Member

NUS, Visiting Associate Professor | Singapore, Singapore


Swinal Samant is an academic and an expert in sustainability, with over 25 years of global experience spanning the UK, India, and Singapore. Currently, she is a Visiting Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Her previous roles include Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham (UK); Co-Program Director of the MSc in Integrated Sustainable Design at NUS, as well as Head of the Building Modelling and Simulation Team at the Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University (ERIAN, NTU), Singapore.

Her research and teaching focuses on environmental sustainability, carbon neutrality, and sustainable urbanism, particularly within high-density urban environments. She advocates for systems thinking, regenerative design, and circularity in the built environment. More specifically, she examines the implications of eliminating carbon emissions, on…

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Swinal R Samant


Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee, Member (2016 – Present)

Expert Peer Review Committee, Member (2014 – Present)

Tall Building Academic & Teaching Committee, Member (2018 – Present)

Annual Conference, Presenter (China 2016; Australia 2017; Middle East 2018)

Regional Committee, Singapore (2018 – 2019)

Awards Innovation Jury (2024)

Awards Urban Habitat Jury (2023)


21 June 2019

Cities in the Sky: Elevating Singapore's Urban Spaces

Swinal Samant, National University of Singapore

Singapore has seen a phenomenal and an unprecedented transformation from a swampland to a high density urban environment since its independence in 1965, made possible...


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01 July 2018

Exploring New Paradigms in High-Density Vertical Hybrids

Swinal Samant & Srilakshmi Menon, National University of Singapore

By the year 2050, the world population is set to increase to 9 billion people, of which 66% will be living in cities. It is...


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08 August 2017

A Tale of Two Singapore Sky Gardens

Swinal Samant & Na Hsi-En, National University of Singapore

This paper examines the effectiveness of the design strategies used in two HDB developments for encouraging active usage and social interaction. The study was conducted...


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9 November 2018

CTBUH Singapore Holds Networking Event

CTBUH Singapore held a Networking Event for members to get to know one another and discuss future plans for boosting CTBUH activity in the area.

20 October 2018

Record Numbers Convene at 2018 Leaders Meeting

CTBUH Leaders convened on Day 1 of the 2018 Middle East Conference for updates on the year's developments and to plan for 2019.

20 October 2018

Academic & Teaching Committee Holds Meeting at 2018 Conference

The CTBUH Academic & Teaching Committee held a breakout meeting at the CTBUH 2018 Middle East Conference, discussing CTBUH’s evolving relationship to academia.

7 October 2018

2018 Global Walking Tour: Walking on Water

Join the Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee for the 2018 Global Walking Tour. This year, tours will explore the role of the Tall Building in waterfronts and other natural settings.

31 October 2017

6th Annual CTBUH International Student Design Competition

The winner and final rankings for the CTBUH International Student Design Competition, kindly sponsored by Woods Bagot, were determined at the 2017 CTBUH Conference in Australia.

29 October 2017

CTBUH Urban Habitat/Urban Design Workshop Held at 2017 Conference

The CTBUH Urban Habitat/Urban Design Committee held its third annual meeting and workshop, which included presentations by James Parakh and Chris Proctor.

21 June 2019

Cities in the Sky: Elevating Singapore's Urban Spaces

Swinal Samant, National University of Singapore

Singapore has seen a phenomenal and an unprecedented transformation from a swampland to a high density urban environment since its independence in 1965, made possible...

01 July 2018

Exploring New Paradigms in High-Density Vertical Hybrids

Swinal Samant & Srilakshmi Menon, National University of Singapore

By the year 2050, the world population is set to increase to 9 billion people, of which 66% will be living in cities. It is...

08 August 2017

A Tale of Two Singapore Sky Gardens

Swinal Samant & Na Hsi-En, National University of Singapore

This paper examines the effectiveness of the design strategies used in two HDB developments for encouraging active usage and social interaction. The study was conducted...

17 October 2016

Humanizing the Giants

Swinal Samant, National University of Singapore

The rise in sustainable skyscrapers and large-scale mixed-use buildings has seen the proliferation of atria and sky-courts worldwide due to their ability to simultaneously contribute...