Steve White

Awards Systems Jury

Aliaxis, Technical Director Global Building Segment | London, United Kingdom


Involved in drainage ventilation for high-rise buildings for 16 years, Steve White has contributed his efforts and expertise to thousands of projects all over the world. As a Technical Director DWV HighRise Building Solutions, he works with research institutions and manufacturers developing products, to meet the requirements for high-rise drainage ventilation and to validate these technologies, presenting them to the market through bodies such as the WPC, CIBSE, ASPE and CIB W062. Highlight projects for Steve include the Trump Tower in Panama, where his team managed to save over 40 km of pipework. Another standout project was the O2 Arena in London; although not a high-rise in height, in drainage venting terms it is equivalent to a 60-storey building. The team managed to do this as the world’s first sealed vented system (no roof penetrations), and to date over 8.8 million people have used the…

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Steve White

CTBUH Designated Expert


Awards Systems Jury (2024)

Annual Conference, Presenter (China 2016; Australia 2017; Middle East 2018)

Awards MEP Engineering Jury (Chair 2019; Chair 2020; Chair 2021; Chair 2022)


17 October 2016

High-Rise Testing of Drainage Systems on Two of the World’s Tallest Test Towers

Steven White, Studor Limited

The drainage systems in tall buildings are being subjected to greater loadings. The effect of negative and positive transients is, therefore, becoming a larger issue....


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17 October 2016

High-Rise Testing of Drainage Systems on Two of the World’s Tallest Test Towers

Steven White, Studor Limited

The drainage systems in tall buildings are being subjected to greater loadings. The effect of negative and positive transients is, therefore, becoming a larger issue....