Aldar Properties, Executive Director | Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Maan Al Awlaqi is Executive Director, Commercial, at Aldar Properties PJSC. In this role, Al Awlaqi leads the company’s sales, marketing and communications and customer management activities. In his capacity as a representative of Aldar Properties, Al Awlaqi is also Chairman of Aldar Etihad Joint Ventures; Board of Directors member of both Abu Dhabi Finance (ADF) and Al Sdeirah Real Estate Investment LLC. Al Awlaqi graduated from SOAS, University of London. Upon graduation, Al Awlaqi took up a role at Dubai’s sovereign wealth fund, Dubai Capital Group, becoming its youngest Vice President at 25, before rising to Senior Vice President.
Annual Conference, Presenter (Middle East 2018)
Annual Conference, Session Chair (Middle East 2018)
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