Luis Henrique Bueno Villanova

Height and Data Committee Member

The Skyscraper Center, Architect & Urban Planner | Curitiba, Brazil


Luís Henrique Bueno Villanova, MSc. architect and urban planner, is a consultant on tall buildings and urban regulations. Currently, researcher and PhD student at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS / Brazil, focusing on the implementation of tall buildings in Brazil. He is also a columnist for the Caos Planejado website, an individual academic member of the CTBUH, member of the Skyscraper Center Editorial Board Committee – CTBUH and a member of the Height and Data Committee.

In his academic experience, he has a degree in architecture and urbanism from UniRitter, in Porto Alegre / Brazil (2010) with a student exchange at the Universidad de La República (2007), in Montevideo / Uruguay. His Final Project was “The Hybrid Skyscraper” which received the “José Albano Volkmer” and “Opera Prima” awards and, later, publications in the book “Vertical Density 2” by…

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Luis Henrique Bueno Villanova


Height and Data Committee, Member (2024 – Present)

Skyscraper Center Editorial Board, Member (2022 – Present)