John Gaskin

Regional Committee Brisbane

Gaskin Construction Services, Principal | Brisbane, Australia


Since starting his career in 1965, John has been privileged to work with a number of clients and partners, delivering billions of dollars of private infrastructure and public assets.

Over the course of his career, John has held senior executive positions with major contractors and has provided leadership for a number of peak industry organisations, including Queensland Master Builders, Australian Institute of Building (Qld Chapter), Queensland Building Services Authority, and Construction Training Centre.

John has been engaged by both the Queensland and Australian Governments to provide professional advice and services. He also chaired three reconstruction/recovery task forces on behalf of the Queensland Government, working to deliver new infrastructure to areas devastated by natural disaster.

In January 2015, John was appointed a member of the Order of Australia for his significant service to…

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John Gaskin


Regional Committee, Brisbane (2007 – Present)

City Committee, Brisbane, Board Member (2018 – Present)

Annual Conference, Session Chair (Shanghai 2014)

20 October 2018

Record Numbers Convene at 2018 Leaders Meeting

CTBUH Leaders convened on Day 1 of the 2018 Middle East Conference for updates on the year's developments and to plan for 2019.

20 October 2018

Regional Representatives Meet at 2018 Middle East Conference

CTBUH Chapters, Regional Representatives, and Future Leaders Committees met during the Middle East Conference for a discussion on the Council's regional growth and global initiatives.

29 October 2017

CTBUH Leaders Connect at 2017 Conference

The Annual Leaders Meeting was held the day before the start of the CTBUH 2017 Australia Conference, bringing together the Council’s leaders.

31 March 2017

Conference Steering Sub-Committees Confirmed

The conference sub-committees will help drive the organization and promotion of activities ahead of CTBUH 2017, starting on October 30.

16 March 2017

CTBUH Queensland Infrastructure Seminar: Anna Meares Velodrome

The CTBUH Brisbane Committee held a breakfast seminar discussing infrastructure in Queensland, with a particular focus on the new Anna Mears Velodrome.

16 October 2016

2016 CTBUH Leaders Meeting Report

The Annual Leaders Meeting was held this year in conjunction with the 2016 Conference in China, bringing together the Council’s leaders from around the world.