Jan Knikker

MVRDV, Partner and Director of Strategy & Development | Rotterdam, Netherlands


Partner and Director of Strategy at MVRDV, Jan Knikker (NL/DE) joined MVRDV in 2008, just as the office had begun to face the consequences of the Global Financial Crisis. Prior to this, Knikker shaped OMA’s public image for nearly a decade, after having first began his career as a journalist. As Partner and Director of Strategy at MVRDV, Knikker drives Business Development and Public Relations efforts, spearheading a large and dynamic studio that also includes the office’s visualization capacity. He further leads the office’s branding efforts, and MVRDV’s expansion into new markets, by supporting the office’s ambition to generate solutions to global challenges through a multifaceted approach to architecture and urbanism.

Knikker regularly lectures at international, commercial, and academic venues in Germany (Polis Convention, Stiftung Baukultur), the UK (RIBA), Israel (CTBUH, Bezalel,…

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Jan Knikker

CTBUH Initiatives

15 November 2017

CTBUH Israel’s Tel Aviv Regional Conference

The city of Tel Aviv was honored to host the CTBUH Tel Aviv Regional Conference in collaboration with the annual IACIE conference and CTBUH Israel.