Harrison Glotman

Steel-Timber Research Project Steering Committee

Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers, Project Engineer | Vancouver, Canada


Harrison Glotman is a Project Manager and Design Engineer with several years of experience working on complex projects across Canada and the U.S. Prior to joining Glotman•Simpson, Glotman worked on high-end homes and retrofits of some of the most iconic buildings in New York and San Francisco. He completed his Master of Science in Structural Engineering with a full scholarship to Stanford University, where he specialized in seismic engineering. The knowledge gained through this degree has proven to be incredibly valuable in building design on the West Coast. Due to increased growth in sustainable construction methods and engineered mass timber, Glotman leads Glotman•Simpson’s technical initiatives in this area. He has had the opportunity to work on a number of these structures –ranging from M5, a 21-story hybrid residential tower, with Henriquez Partners Architects, to an off-grid mass…

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Harrison Glotman


Steel-Timber Research Project Steering Committee (2022 – Present)


24 May 2022

M5, Vancouver and Terraine, San Jose: Lessons Learned From Conception To Construction

Two residential structures, 18 and 20 stories respectively, in the seismically-active North American West Coast use steel columns in partitions for the gravity system and...


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24 May 2022

M5, Vancouver and Terraine, San Jose: Lessons Learned From Conception To Construction

Two residential structures, 18 and 20 stories respectively, in the seismically-active North American West Coast use steel columns in partitions for the gravity system and...