David Barber

Arup, Principal | Melbourne, Australia


David is a Principal with Arup, where he specializes in the fire safety of mass timber buildings. For over 25 years David has assisted with the growth and development of timber construction, including fire testing, developing new timber technologies, authoring fire safety design guides, changing building codes and standards, working with timber product suppliers and completing fire safety solutions for low, mid-rise and high-rise timber buildings. David leads a global team within Arup that works with researchers, suppliers, approval agencies, architects and developers to enable the fire safe construction of sustainable timber structures. David’s mass timber experience is international, having delivered projects in over ten countries. He is currently working with project teams on mass timber buildings located throughout the US and internationally.

David Barber


04 April 2022

Exposed Mass Timber in High-Rise Structures: A Practical Discussion of a Complex Fire Problem

David Barber et al., Arup

High-rise mass timber buildings with structures of cross-laminated timber (CLT) and glued-laminated timber (glulam) are being planned and constructed globally. However, high-rise buildings have strict...


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20 October 2003

Will Occupants of Tall Buildings Obey Instructions from Wardens in Staged Evacuations? - The Design Dilemma Post September 11

David Barber, Arup Fire; Rudy Van Merkestein, Mckenzie Group

This paper is a review of various building code prescriptive requirements shows that staged evacuation is the normal evacuation method for tall buildings. A survey...


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04 April 2022

Exposed Mass Timber in High-Rise Structures: A Practical Discussion of a Complex Fire Problem

David Barber et al., Arup

High-rise mass timber buildings with structures of cross-laminated timber (CLT) and glued-laminated timber (glulam) are being planned and constructed globally. However, high-rise buildings have strict...

20 October 2003

Will Occupants of Tall Buildings Obey Instructions from Wardens in Staged Evacuations? - The Design Dilemma Post September 11

David Barber, Arup Fire; Rudy Van Merkestein, Mckenzie Group

This paper is a review of various building code prescriptive requirements shows that staged evacuation is the normal evacuation method for tall buildings. A survey...