UL, Director, Global Sales, Asset & Sustainability Performance | Chicago, United States
Mr. Ashworth has worked with corporate real estate, REITs, commercial real estate, financial institutions, US GSA, architects, and general contractors, specializing in renewable energy, indoor air quality, ESG and sustainability programs. Currently, Mr. Ashworth is the Global Director, Sales for the Asset and Energy Performance Division of UL Verification Services, Inc. Before joining UL he was a partner at Healthy Buildings International, an environmental consulting firm specializing on Commercial/Corporate Real Estate in Indoor Environmental Quality, Sustainability Certifications, and Energy/Water Conservation activities. He has spoken at multiple conferences on IEQ, Energy, and sustainability activities including Greenbuild, BOMA, NFMT, IAMC, and is the past Chair of the US Green Buildings Councils National Capital Region. Mr. Ashworth has a BS in Industrial & Systems Engineering from…
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