University of Luxembourg, Professor, ArcelorMittal Chair of Steel Construction | Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Prof. Odenbreit is full professor at the University of Luxembourg and since 2011 holder of the “ArcelorMittal Chair of Steel Construction”. He has a strong background in structural engineering combining both: practical experience in large consulting companies and research experience.
He is welding engineer (SFI, EWE, IWE), member of ECCS/TC11 (Composite Structures), Leader of the newly established working group for steel-timber composite structures ECCS/TC11/WG6, member of CTBUH, member of CEN/TC250/SC3 and CEN/TC250/SC4 and was nominated Project Team Leader for the Evolution of the Structural Eurocode 4 (CEN/TC250/SC4/T4.3 for “Revised rules for shear connections in the presence of modern forms of profiled sheeting”). In addition, he is member of the newly established CENT/C350/SC1 “Circular Economy in the Construction Sector”.
Steel-Timber Research Project Steering Committee (2022 – Present)
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