Tall & Urban News

Mass Timber Luxury Residential Development Proposed for Spokane

02 November 2022 | Spokane, United States

atelierjones led an integrated design team for the proposal of a 178,000-square-foot (16,536-square-meter) mass timber housing project in Spokane, Washington that would deliver both market rate and affordable housing. The 14-story high-rise project is a Type IV-B mass timber structure over two stories of retail and parking in downtown Spokane.

The project exposes the cross-laminated-timber (CLT) ceilings within the units, hallways, and the lobby. 228 residential units are provided, including an outdoor courtyard, bike parking, retail, and laundry.

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Firms involved include Great Expectations Development, Swinerton Construction, TimberLab, DCI Engineering, and a full integrated team.

For more on this story, go to atelierjones.