Tall & Urban News

High-Rise Complex to Move Forward in Frankfurt

11 February 2022 | Frankfurt am Main, Germany
© Ferdinand Heide Architekt with Nightnurse Images
© Ferdinand Heide Architekt with Nightnurse Images

Ferdinand Heide Architekt have been selected to develop a high-rise complex in Frankfurt, Germany, following an international design competition. Titled “Millennium Areal," the winning proposal features two twisted glass towers with a large public space at the ground level. The project is expected to be complete in 2030.

CA Immo and the City of Frankfurt had initially developed a plan to create a mixed-use building complex with two high-rise buildings and surrounding urban planning. Tower A, which is the highest among the two, is set to feature a mix of commercial and hospitality programs, whereas the lower high-rise, Tower B, is meant to be mostly residential. Public facilities such as food services, retail, and a day-care center are placed in the lower and ground floors to create a lively and inviting community area.

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The winning design by Ferdinand Heide imagines the construction of a 280-meter office and hotel tower for Tower A and a 157-meter residential tower for Tower B, along with a block perimeter building in a wood hybrid construction. The towers will be twisted to create spacious terraces and recesses in the building's structure, as well as increase the distances between them, which offer additional lighting in the flats of Tower B and increases the energy yield for photovoltaic systems integrated into its façade. 

For more on this story, go to Arch Daily.