Tall & Urban News

Groundbreaking Ceremony in Seoul for New IT Headquarters

Seoul. Image by Tom Hill on Unsplash
Seoul. Image by Tom Hill on Unsplash
16 May 2024 | Seoul, South Korea

CTBUH has confirmed that the new headquarters for a South Korean IT company,  located in the Seongsu district of Seoul, recently had a groundbreaking cermony to kick-off consturction. The project named "K-Project" will accommodate the company’s diverse range of activities, staff and visitors both now and in the future.

Utilizing a a flexible floor system, the structure supports reconfigurations of workspaces, allowing for growth and adaptation to future ways of working and collaborating. Urban plazas as part of the design surrounding the building will expand the public realm around the site’s perimeter and serve as entrance courtyards. 

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