Compare CTBUH Member Benefits

For questions and more information on member benefits and choosing the right level for you, please contact us at [email protected].

Annual Dues US$10,000 US$5,000 US$1,000 US$200
Number of “Designated Expert” nominees for advanced member benefits, including leader/committee roles, advanced digital access & tools, and other benefits as listed below1 NO LIMIT 5 1
Complimentary and/or discounted conference registration (per year) 3 FREE + 25% 1 FREE + 20% 15% 10%
Company Name Listed in Publications & Other Selected Outputs 1ST TIER 2ND TIER 3RD TIER (Select)
Logo and searchable listing on and all digital outputs 1ST TIER 2ND TIER 3RD TIER
Member page on, featuring projects, news, and other outputs ADVANCED ADVANCED BASIC
Number of searchable fields of expertise listed in digital platforms NO LIMIT ≤ 3 1
Logo on homepage
Opportunity for a project/output to be featured in monthly newsletter
Assistance with custom data comparisons and analyses
Reprint permission for CTBUH published Data, Research & Graphics for use in Corporate Output
Support on official Building Recognitions & Signboards
Opportunity to present at conferences
Consideration for “Award of Excellence” in up to 28 award categories
Company linked in Daily-Updated Tall Building News Articles
Online user account/access to digital content*
Access to advanced online data tools (up to 100 records/ search results)
Complimentary and discounted local chapter event registration 3 FREE + 25% 2 FREE + 20% 1 FREE +15% 10%
Quarterly digital CTBUH Journal, available in My Downloads on member portal DIGITAL DIGITAL DIGITAL DIGITAL
Discount off publications and products 25% 20% 15% 10%
Country / City webpages with company logo, where represented by an office NO LIMIT ≤ 3 1
Assistance with organizing Tall Building tours for executives, and other events
Nomination for regional chapter roles and/or Future Leaders Committee*
Opportunity to present at local chapter events
Nomination for international Speaker Bureau
Interview and promotional opportunities available
Nomination to Leader/Committee roles
Nomination to Panel for official Research Project
Publish in CTBUH Journal and other publications
Access to advanced online data tools (Up to 1,000 records/ search results)

* What is a Designated Expert?

A Designated Expert is a member who receives advanced member benefits and can take a more active role in CTBUH initiatives. These initiatives include the opportunity to be nominated to lead a committee, participate in research projects, conferences, and publications. Additional benefits include enhanced digital access and tools, such as our Explore Data. These benefits have the potential to provide added promotion for your company can make for a stronger member engagement with CTBUH. Each membership level allows a different number of Designated Experts.


  1. Add-on “Designated Expert” memberships available at $750 per member.
  2. Nonprofit/Governmental memberships available at $500 per year, with benefits similar to Silver level. For more information, contact [email protected].
  3. Full Individual Membership: US$200. Academic/Retired Membership: US$100. Student Membership: US$50. To achieve greater diversity in our global network, other subsidized individual memberships are available for those from underrepresented groups. For more information, contact [email protected].