CTBUH Chapter Event

CTBUH France Chapter General Assembly

Monday, 16 May 2022 | Maison Montmartre | 22 avenue de la Porte Montmartre, 18th | Paris

The CTBUH France Chapter is pleased to welcome you for its second annual General Assembly.

Please indicate your intentions to attend by sending an email to: [email protected] 
Attendance limited to 40 people  |  Participation/follow-up by zoom on request - a link will be sent to interested parties

© Sergio Grazia



6:15 pm: Welcome on the 7th floor rooftop of the Maison Montmartre  
6:30 pm: General Assembly
7:00 pm: Presentation and exchange: Micaël Bello Garcia, ArcelorMittal 
"XCarb®, carbon-free steels for the cities of the future!"
7:30 pm : Presentation of the Tour Watt -Vincent Lavergne
restructuring of a residential tower (wood, concrete and metal)     
8:00 pm: Exchange/drink

Sponsored By:


Advanced Building Solutions and Sustainability Cluster Lead | France & South, ArcelorMittal
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Architect, Founding Partner, Vincent Lavergne Architecture and Urbanism
Paris, France