CTBUH Sri Lanka Presents Colombo Forum 2024: AI Revolution in Design and Construction for Mega Projects

Thursday, 11 July 2024 | Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH), Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka | Colombo

CTBUH Sri Lanka hosted their annual Colombo Forum on July 11th at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH). This event  brought together engineers, architects, and developers to discuss and explore various topics pertinent to our field, with keynote presentations by CTBUH members including Jeremy Mayhew, JRMI, and Priyan Mendis, University of Melbourne.

The event was able to be organized free of charge for all the participants due to the generous support extended by INSEE Cement as the main event sponsor and silver co-sponsors; CN Steel (PVT) Ltd.

Date: 11th July 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 04:00 pm - 07:30 pm
Venue: Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH),
Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.



Eng. Shiromal Fernando
Prof. Priyan Mendis
Mr. Jeremy Mayhew
Archt. Nirodha Gunadasa
Dr. Shyanaka Dananjaya
Dr. Pasindu Weerasinghe


15:30 – 16:00 Registration and Welcome of Guests
16:00 – 16:15 Welcoming the gathering and Lighting of the oil lamp
16:15 – 16:20 Welcome Address by Eng. Shiromal Fernando, CTBUH Country Representative
16:20 – 16:40 Introduction to the CTBUH Colombo Forum 2024 by Arct. Nidodha Gunadasa, Vice president of CTBUH Sri Lanka
16:40 – 17:20 Key note speech by Mr. Jeremy Mayhew; Founder and Director of JRMI, London, UK
“Management of Major Projects”
17:20 – 18:00 Key note speech by Prof. Priyan Mendis, University of Melbourne
“AI in Design and Construction”
18:00 – 18:20 Launching of SFPE (Society of Fire Protection Engineering in Sri Lanka)
18:20 – 18:30 Vote of Thanks and Concluding Remarks by Mr. Ruwan Peduruhewa and handing over of tokens of appreciation
18:30 –19:00 Refreshments

Event Summary

The CTBUH Sri Lanka conference “AI Revolution in Design and Construction for Mega Projects” was held on the 11th July 2024 at Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall. The event gathered many prominent tall building professionals in Sri Lanka including structural engineers, building services engineers, architects, academics, researchers, developers, builders, specialist material suppliers, and also prospective future leaders from leading universities in Sri Lanka. The audience included well over 150 participants who joined in-person and over 20 participants who joined virtually.

The conference opened with a welcome address by Eng. Shiromal Fernando, the country representative of CTBUH. He gave an overview of CTBUH past conferences, award ceremonies, research, etc. He then introduced the chief guests, keynote speakers, and other invitees and briefed on their valuable service & contribution in tall building construction and infrastructural development. The welcome speech was then followed by sponsorship videos from INSEE Cement and CN Steel, showcasing the important role played by their companies in many infrastructure developments in Sri Lanka.

Welcome address by Mr. Shiromal Fernando

Arct. Nirodha Gunadasa provided insight into the theme of the conference, introducing concepts of AI including Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI).

Arct. Nirodha Gunadasa delivering the introduction of the theme.

The first keynote speaker, Jeremy Mayhew, Founder of JRMI, UK,  delivered a presentation on “Management of Major Projects”, describing the practical aspects of project management with regards to cost, time, resources, and contractual agreements. He highlighted the importance of the project planning stage, risk management, task management, budgeting, and project control.

Keynote speaker Mr Jeremy Mayhew delivering the presentation on Management of Major Projects.

Prof. Priyan Mendis, a long standing member of CTBUH and honorary chairman of CSEC, delivered his presentation “AI in Design and Construction”, where he discussed the applications of AI, Generative designs in architecture, features of AI, and case studies of AI in design and construction.

Professor Priyan Mendis delivering his speech on AI in Design and Construction

Following the keynote presentations, Dr.Pasindu Weerasinghe and Dr.Shyanaka Dananjaya launched the fire chapter of Society of Fire Protection Engineers. The establishment of the SFPE Sri Lankan Chapter will mark a significant milestone in Sri Lanka’s commitment to fire safety and engineering excellence. Additionally, Dr. Shyanaka Dananjaya delivered an online presentation to give the audience an insight on the importance of Fire Protection.

Launching of the SFPE chapter followed by Dr. Shyanaka Dhananjaya's online presentation.

Finally, the event closed with Mr. Ruwan De Silva, Managing Director of Sripali Construction (PVT) Ltd., thanking the attendees on behalf of the organising committee of the workshop. He concluded the speech by inviting all the participants to be involved in CTBUH initiatives both nationally and internationally and invited to be members of the CTBUH global network.

Ruwan De Silva delivering the vote of thanks.


Main Event Sponsor

Silver Sponsors (Co- Sponsors)
CN Steel (PVT) LTD

Principal Event Organiser
CTBUH Sri Lanka

Event Organising Partners
Civil and Structural Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd
Archedium (Pvt) Ltd
Ceylon Institute of Builders

CTBUH Country Representative for Sri Lanka
Eng. Shiromal Fernando