Data Studies

The Research & Thought Leadership division of the CTBUH performs objective research at all scales and distributes findings in the form of data studies that highlight critical issues facing tall buildings and future cities.

Latest Study

1 January 2024 | CTBUH Journal 2023 Issue IV

Year in Review: Tall Trends of 2023: A Record-Breaking Year for Tall Building Completions

In 2023, 177 buildings of 200 meters' height or greater were completed, setting a new record for tall building completions.

22 December 2023 | CTBUH Journal 2023 Issue IV

Interactive Study: Tall Tales of Transformation

Even after construction has commenced, it is not uncommon for alterations to be made to a tall building’s design, which can result in subsequent changes to the building’s planned a...

22 December 2023 | CTBUH Journal 2023 Issue IV

Tall Tales of Transformation: Height Alterations

Even after construction has commenced, it is not uncommon for alterations to be made to a tall building’s design, which can result in subsequent changes in the building’s planned a...

16 October 2023 | CTBUH Journal 2022 Issue IV

Interactive Study - Sea-Level Rise Susceptibility

This interactive data study builds off the work conducted by the Université de Montréal, supported by the 2019 CTBUH Student Research Competition, kindly sponsored by Taipei Financ...

16 October 2023 | CTBUH Journal 2023 Issue III

Green + Growth: Singapore from Above

Over the past two centuries, Singapore’s land area has expanded by 25 percent, reaching 738 square kilometers in 2022. Land reclamation has its limits and, to accommodate its growi...

16 October 2023 | CTBUH Journal 2022 Issue III

Interactive Study - Green + Growth: Singapore from Above

Over the past two centuries, Singapore’s land area has expanded by 25 percent, reaching 738 square kilometers in 2022. Land reclamation has its limits and, to accommodate its grow...